

Standard face-to-face and telehealth appointments are $230 and are a minimum of 50 minutes long
After-hours appointments (after 5pm on weekdays or anytime on weekends) are $255
Couples therapy appointments are $265 (offered by psychologist Jacqui only)
NDIS plan-managed appointments have an out of pocket fee of $7.01 per appointment due to the hourly price differential, or $32.01 for after-hours appointments
WorkCover QLD and Victims Assist QLD appointments are $260
Unfortunately we are unable to offer bulk-billing and are at capacity for DVA funded sessions at this time

Appointments are $175 and are a minimum of 50 minutes long
After hours appointments (after 5pm on weekdays or any time on Saturdays) are $200
Weekly recovery record monitoring is $30
NDIS plan-managed appointments have no out of pocket fee
After-hours NDIS plan-managed appointments have an out of pocket fee of $6.01 per appointment due to the hourly price differential

Psychological Assessments

Please see our psychological assessments page for a detailed list of our assessment pricing for autism and ADHD diagnosis.


With a referral under a Mental Health Care Plan from a GP or psychiatrist, patients can receive up to 10 rebated appointments per calendar year. Rebates are currently set at $96.65 per appointment (making each appointment $133.35 out of pocket, or $158.35 for after-hours appointments).
With a referral under an Eating Disorder Plan from a GP or psychiatrist, patients can receive up to 40 rebated appointments per calendar year.

With a referral under a Team Care Arrangement from a GP, patients can receive up to 5 rebated appointments per calendar year. Rebates are currently set at $60.35 per appointment (making each appointment $114.65 out of pocket, or $139.65 for after-hours appointments).
With a referral under an Eating Disorder Plan from a GP or psychiatrist, patients can receive up to 20 rebated appointments per calendar year.

For those with extras cover on private health health insurance, you may be eligible for additional rebates. Please note that these cannot be used in conjunction with Medicare rebates


Cancellations made with less than 48 business-hours notice or non-attendance will incur a full session fee. If you suspect you might be unwell, we offer videoconferencing and phone appointments. Cancelled appointments are not eligible for Medicare rebates.
NDIS plan-managed clients must provide 2 clear business days notice. There is no out-of-pocket cancellation fee for plan-managed clients.
Initial session deposits are not refundable and cannot be reallocated to another time except in the case of exceptional circumstances.

A tailored approach

We do not offer a one size fits all but instead see each client as a whole person requiring an individualised approach.

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Experienced team 

Our psychologists and dietitian are skilled in the areas of neurodivergence, eating disorders, & complex trauma.

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Inclusive and affirming

Our approach is neurodiversity affirming, trauma-informed, weight neutral, and intersectional.

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Individualised, flexible, affirming

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